Civil War History


Abraham Lincoln

Civil War History for Kids
There were numerous causes of the Civil War, our article on this subject details over 40 reasons. The conflict was inevitable. Attempts were made by politicians to avert the Civil War but they all failed. The secession of the Southern states began and the Confederate States of America were established.
The Civil War History began in earnest on April 12, 1861 and continued for 4 years, 3 weeks and 6 days until May 10, 1865. During this bloody period in American history brother fought against brother in over 10,000 conflicts. Most were small skirmishes, many now forgotten, but the major battles will never be forgotten. The Civil War History guides you through the major events during the "War Between the States".

Civil War History
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th American President who served in office from March 4, 1861 to April 15, 1865. The major event during his presidency was the Civil War. This section provides access to articles with interesting facts and
information about Civil War History from the causes of the Civil War to the Surrender at Appomattox.

Civil War History: All of your Questions Answered about the Civil War!
Start your research into Civil War History with the Civil War FAQ's for Kids.  Discover the answers to all of your questions via a simple question and answer format with fast facts and information. Hope it helps with social studies at school, college and homework projects! Also refer to the Civil War Sitemap for details of the Civil War Battles, weapons and uniforms.

Civil War History: Year by Year Guide to Civil War History
Our articles on the Civil War History are designed to provide a simple, short history of the events during each of the Civil War years. A fast and simple overview of the major events and Civil War History rear by year. And ideal educational resource for kids, schools and homework projects.


1861 Civil War History
1861 was the first
year in Civil War history. Articles are available providing access to detailed facts and information on specific events covering important history including the inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln, the Battle of Fort Sumter, the call for volunteers, the Union Blockade, the Anaconda Plan, the theaters of war and the first Battle of Bull Run.

1862 Civil War History

1861 Civil War History

Inauguration of President Lincoln
Fort Sumter
The Call for volunteers
The Union Blockade
The Anaconda Plan
The Theaters of War
First Battle of Bull Run


1862 Civil War History
1862 was the second year of Civil War History.
Articles are available providing access to detailed facts and information on specific events covering important events in history including the Army of the Potomac, the Peninsular Campaign, the Battle of the Ironclads, the First Steps toward Emancipation and the 1862 Battlefields including the Battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Shiloh, New Orleans, the Seven Days Battles, Murfreesboro, the Second Battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Perryville, Corinth and the Battle of Fredericksburg.

1862 Civil War History

1862 Civil War History

Army of the Potomac
Peninsular Campaign
Fort Henry
Fort Donelson
Battle of the Ironclads
Battle of Shiloh
New Orleans
First Steps toward Emancipation
Seven Days Battles
Battle of Murfreesboro
Second Bull Run
Battle of Antietam
Battle at Perryville
Battle of Corinth
Battle of Fredericksburg
1862 Battlefields

1863 Civil War History
The 1863 Civil War History
includes facts and information on important historical events in American History including the Emancipation Proclamation, the Positioning of the armies, the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act, the Draft Riots, the Opening of the Mississippi, surrender of Port Hudson, the Battle of Chancellorsville, the Siege of Vicksburg, the Battle of Gettysburg, the Battles of Chickamauga and Chattanooga and the 1863 Battlefields

1863 Civil War History

1863 Civil War History

Emancipation Proclamation
Position of the armies
Habeas Corpus Suspension Act
Battle of Chancellorsville
The Siege of Vicksburg
The Battle of Gettysburg
Port Hudson surrenders
Opening of the Mississippi
The Draft Riots
Battle of Chickamauga
Battle of Chattanooga
1863 Battlefields

1864 Civil War History
The 1863 Civil War History
includes facts and information on important historical events in American History including the Plans of Campaign, Grant taking Command, the Confederate attack on Washington, the Shenandoah Valley Campaigns, the War at Sea, the Battle of the Wilderness, the Siege of Petersburg, the Battle of Atlanta, Sherman's March to the Sea and the Fall of Savannah

1864 Civil War History

1864 Civil War History

Grant in Command
Battle of the Wilderness
Siege of Petersburg
Confederate attack on Washington
Shenandoah Valley Campaigns
The War at Sea
Battle of Atlanta
Plans of Campaign
Thomas destroys Hood's army
March to the Sea
Fall of Savannah
1864 Battlefields

1865 Civil War History
The 1864 Civil War History
includes facts and information on important historical events in American History including The passing of the 13th Amendment, the Hampton Roads Conference, Sherman closes the Confederacy, Five Forks and Petersburg, Major Battlefields in 1865, Appomattox Court House, the Surrender of the South, President Lincoln Assassinated, the Capture of Jefferson Davis and the End of the Civil War

1865 Civil War History

1865 Civil War History

The 13th Amendment
Hampton Roads Conference
Sherman closes the Confederacy
Five Forks and Petersburg
Major Battlefields in 1865
Appomattox Court House
The Surrender of the South
President Lincoln Assassinated
The Capture of Jefferson Davis
The End of the Civil War

Civil War History: Causes of the Civil War and the Compromises that failed
There were many
Causes of the Civil War from economic causes, political reasons and a culture clash between the people of the North and the South. However the major reason for the division between North and South were the issues of slavery and States Rights. Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election and the situation between the North and South became critical. The Crittenden Compromise was proposed on December 18, 1860 which sought to assure the continuation of slavery in states where it already existed.  The Corwin Amendment was another last-ditch compromise effort to appease the south, protecting slavery in existing slave-states. Both of these compromises failed to avert the conflict.

Civil War History: Secession of the Southern States and the Confederate States of America
All political attempts failed to reach a compromise between the North and South to keep the peace. This violent period in American History begins when 11 southern states, led by South Carolina the First State to Secede, by leaving the Union and so beginning the Secession of the South.  The formerly unified nation of the United States of America split into two and the Confederate States of America was formed and Jefferson Davis was voted President of the Confederacy.


Presidential Seal


Civil War History: Timeline and Facts
This period of American History continues with Civil War History Timeline of Facts and Information about important events.  The Civil War Timeline starts in 1860 just before the outbreak of the Civil War and is detailed in a simple timeline format.

Civil War History: Civil War Statistics
This period of American History is
detailed further in the article containing Civil War Statistics. The stats provides a collection facts about the population, some of the major battles, the number of soldiers that were killed and the number of casualties

Civil War History: Civil War Uniforms
Learn about the
Uniforms of the Confederate Soldiers and the Uniforms of the Union  Soldiers with pictures, facts and information about the clothes worn by the officers and regular soldiers.

Civil War History: Sherman's March to the Sea
Sherman's March to the Sea was undertaken by General William Sherman between November and December 1864. Sherman's March to the Sea stretched 285 miles from Atlanta to Savannah. Sherman's March to the Sea left a path of destruction wrecking the industries, crops and property in Georgia.

Civil War History: Surrender at Appomattox
The Surrender at Appomattox
took place on April 9, 1865 when Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox, Virginia.

Civil War History: The End of the Civil War
The Confederate defeat at Appomattox was the start of the End of the Civil War.
Discover interesting information about the terms and conditions of surrender with a fast, fun fact sheet provides interesting facts and information about the end of the conflict.

Civil War History: The Cost of the Civil War
The history of the Civil War
includes this interesting article about the Cost of the Civil War. The financial costs associated with the conflict include the cost of Clothing and feeding the Army and the Navy and the cost of weapons.

Civil War History - President Abraham Lincoln History Video
The article on American History provides an overview of this year of the American Civil War during his presidential term in office. The following Abraham Lincoln video will give you additional important history, facts and dates about the political events experienced by the 16th American President whose presidency history spanned from March 4, 1861 to April 15, 1865.




Civil War History: The First Year of Conflict
Interesting Facts about Civil War History for kids and schools
Short Civil War History for kids and students
The Civil War History, facts, info and events
Abraham Lincoln History from March 4, 1861 to April 15, 1865
Fast Civil War History and short, interesting facts
History, Foreign & Domestic policies of President Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Presidency History and Civil War History for schools, homework, kids and children

 Civil War History - US History - Facts - Battles - Battlefield - Major Events - American History - Confederate - Civil - Conflict - History - Union - Generals - Definition - American - American History - US - USA - Civil War History - America - Dates - United States History - Civil - Conflict History - Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important - Facts - American History - Key - Main - Major - Events - History - Civil War History - Interesting - American History - Info - Information - American History - Facts - Historical - Major Events - Civil War History